
3 Questions to Ask if You Are Contemplating Outsourcing Your Supplements

How do you know if outsourcing your supplements is a good idea for you? You may have been doing it yourself for years and are used to the tedious process, or you could be just starting out in the industry and unsure of how it can benefit you. If you are contemplating getting help with insurance supplement claims, asking yourself these 3 questions could help you make your decision.

1) Could you be spending your time elsewhere?

Anyone who has dealt with insurance claims before knows that the process can take weeks of waiting and leaving projects on pause. From writing the estimate, submitting it, and negotiating it multiple times, you should consider asking yourself if there are better alternatives to spend your time. Could you be focusing your efforts on other aspects of your business?


2) Are you receiving the amount that you need?

In a lot of cases, employees at supplement companies have previous experience as insurance adjusters or have been in the industry long enough to know exactly what adjusters are looking for. In-house supplementers typically receive lower increases than those who outsource. Another factor to look at is the amount of time and resources that third-party supplementers have. Their main priority is perfecting these claims. Most in-house supplementers have other tasks or commitments on their plate, which could cause their claims to be less thorough.

3) Is turnover or other factors leading to repeated staff training?

Supplement training includes a lot of information and takes time and resources. Do you feel like going through that every time someone leaves and another is hired? Supplement companies are trained and required to take courses. They also have to participate in ongoing training to continue to build their knowledge and experience. A lot of times it is not realistic to allow employees to receive that kind of training in-house.

After answering these questions, you may find that outsourcing could be the answer for you. If you feel as though it would save you time and increase your revenue for clients, you should visit our website through this link!


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