Items You Could Be Missing on Your Roof Estimate

Supplement Experts, roof supplement company, roof supplement specialist, commercial roof supplement, residential roof supplement

We have created a list of commonly missed items that could be missing from your roof estimate for your adjuster or insurance claims. There are many reasons  why these items are not included like a new adjuster, changed regulations or codes, and more. These missed items can often be legitimate supplement claims. The best way to keep track of these is to take pictures and upload them to a commonplace like a Google Drive or Dropbox. 

Updated Codes

Each state and county have different building codes and regulations and can constantly change. Being aware of these upgraded codes could help you and your claim receive the necessary work. Adjusters are not always aware of the updated codes especially when they do not work or live in the area. 

Ridge & Hip Cap

The corner of each home requires a specific amount and type of ridge cap to give the most protection and safety. Make sure that the home has the right amount and type of ridge cap shingle on your estimate. 

Valley Lining

The roof valley is the area of the roof that creases. Adding a valley lining is beneficial as water flows down these areas. Valley lining can protect roofs from water buildup and mold. The crease areas of the roof can be more susceptible to roof leaks due to the area where multiple shingles meet. Valleys are beneficial to put above the gutters to assist the water into the gutters and drain roofs properly. 

Drip Edge

In certain cases, adjusters only apply a drip edge to the eaves of the roof. Do your homework and make sure this specific measurement is the full perimeter of the roof. This measurement also has to be within the regulation of the local building codes which your adjuster might not be aware of. 

If you are looking for help or need supplemental services, let the Experts help you out. Contact us at (720) 796-7760 or fill out our contact form online!


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