
How to Talk to Homeowners About Supplements

Supplements are often needed when it comes to dealing with the insurance restoration processes. However, many contractors struggle with figuring out how to communicate what supplements are and how they work. This can be a big issue and can lead to even bigger issues, such as your homeowner not providing you the full amount granted in the depreciation check due to a lack of understanding. The best way to handle these situations is to discuss the topic with your customer at the very start of your project and keep them up to date on it throughout the process.


A great way to start the conversation about supplements is by having it in the paperwork given to your customer at the start of the project. This allows you to explain to them ahead of time what it is and why it is sometimes needed. It lets your customer know that you are keeping them in the loop about the process.


Once it gets to the point of the agreement where supplements need to be discussed, it is very important to communicate why supplements may be needed in the first place. Start with the basics. Explain that insurance adjusters are very busy, and it is not uncommon for them to miss a few things. However, just because they are missed on the initial estimate does not mean they can’t be covered. It just means that a supplement will be needed.


Let them know exactly what a supplement is. Supplements are additional funds given by the insurance company for things that weren’t included in the adjuster’s initial estimate. When things are missed or if there is a difference between their estimate versus what it’s going to actually cost, there is a way to request those funds and items needed. That is a supplement.


Another important factor to discuss is who asks for it and who approves it. Let them know that you, their contractor, or an insurance supplement company such as us, are in charge of providing the insurance company with evidence of why something should be covered. It is then up to the insurance company themselves to decide whether or not they agree.

After hitting all of these topics, the homeowner should be informed of the process. It is important to remember that this should not be the only time you and your customer talk about supplements. You should make a point to discuss with them frequently, keeping them informed every step of the way. Talking about it early often prepares your homeowner and lets them understand why they are receiving more money and why it should be paid to you.

How We Can Help

If you struggle with insurance claims, we have the expertise you need. Supplement Experts handles all of the hassles that come with supplements and lets you focus on doing your job. Plus, we get revised insurance estimates back about a week earlier than contractors who supplement their own jobs.

If this interests you, contact us through this link today!




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